Manoj being a friend of mine I felt compelled to confront him on this story because after careful contemplation, meditation and thought this concept doesn't feel right in my heart. I can't believe that this is all written that there is no way I can change my life and maybe that is because I have come so far from where I was. Just 9 years ago I was giving out cigarettes at bars in Detroit and yes, smoking cigarettes. I seem like an anomaly if you know me and know what kind of person I am today.
I asked Manoj if there is anyway we can change our scrolls and luckily he said "yes." He told me of this man who as soon as he had seen his scroll in India he began practicing meditation and preparing himself for his death. His scroll told him he was going to die at the age of 57. At the age of 57 this man like the scroll said rolled off a road in a violent car accident and walked awayunharmed. When asked what happened he told Manoj that he dropped deep into meditation, stayed calm and now is 70 years old. Further more, the man went back to the city in India to view his scrolls be he saw it and it actually hade changed. Re-written?
This was awesome news, though it seems mystical and impossible, I neede

With precision and practice.... Shift Happens!!!
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