Sunday, December 5, 2010

...the end

"it's when it's seemingly at the end... that we are called to be our brightest"

As the ending seemingly of Yoga Swami draws nearer, I pause and reflect and am compelled to grow brighter...
... in spirit
... in intelligence
... in compassion

Not gripping the experience but holding it as precious and close to my heart as I can. The experience flows through slower and I feel the fragility of things I may take for granted. I may never practice to the person next to me and I may never practice in this way like I have today but clinging and gripping only makes it worse. Shining brighter actually feels more healthy, life affirming and even eases transitions in and out of postures.

Remain your brightest especially when faced with the moment of dissolving energy it is so precious, sweet and can bring such clarity to our feelings.

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