Jennifer Waters Yoga
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Odd and wondrous in wonderland
Friday, March 8, 2013
After years of judging this style of yoga an opportunity to presented itself for me to take 1 month of hot yoga for only $20. This was a new studio that offered both Power Vinyasa as well as Hatha classes. The hatha classes seemed pretty close if not exactly like what I have read about bikrams sequences and style. The power vinyasa had some of the hatha influence but with sun sals, some arm balances and a more diverse flow. The room was at least 108 every class and sometimes felt like more or less due to humidity. I stayed on the cooler (supposedly) side but honestly it was all so hot and uncomfortable.
The first week of classes I just went through the motions. Show up, bring water, bring extra hand/face towel for wiping the sweat from my eyes and of course my mat which is the prAna Synergy Towel Mat. Sweat my balls (or whatever the female version of that phrase is) off!
Taken hot yoga was like taking my first yoga classes... I thought the same 2 things every class...
"How did I get myself into this?" and "I can't believe I am doing this!"
After a week of this hot yoga agony I realized some truths...
1. Hot yoga really taught me to let go in the moment... I was hoping that it would help me forgive and let go of some traumas that I am still working on but NO such luck... not yet at least
Saturday, December 15, 2012
My Daily Asana: Twister
- Lunge > Parvrita Parsvakonasana (both sides & repeat 3 times deepening the twist and lunge)
- Parsvakonasana > W2 > Trikonasana (both sides)
- W2 > W1.5 > Ardha Chandrasana > Parvritta Ardha Chandrasana
- DD Twist (both sides)
- DD opposite eka hasta eka pada (both sides)
- DD same side eka hasta eka pada (both sides)
- Air Bridgetts cross > side plank padagustasana > wild thing > parsvottanasana (both sides all linked together)
- Pigeon > forearm plank > forearm stand > pigeon w/thigh stretch (both sides)
- Air Bridgetts cross > wild trikonasana > wishvamirtrasana (leg infront of arm) > knee to chest plank > through side plank and DD > vishvamitrasana leg behind arm (both sides)
- Danurasana > thigh stretch (both sides) > Danurasana hands on inside (shoulder stretch) > thigh stretch w/up dog arm (both sides) > Bekasana
- Air Bridetts cross > side plank > baby kapinjalasana > wild thing > urdhva danurasana > dwipadaviparittidandasana > back through back bend and side plank > eka pada rajakapotasana (both sides)
- All three dancer poses (both sides)
- Hastasana (both sides)
- Air Bridgetts cross > side plank kapinjalasana > urdhva danurasana > dwi pada viparitti dandasana > tic toc into headstand 1 min > tic all the way over > Malasana (3 rotations each direction) (both sides)
- Hero
- Shoulder stand 3 min (I typically do the ashtanga sequence) > fish
- Supine easy twist (both sides)
- Supine badhakonasana > happy baby
Monday, April 23, 2012
Greatness through service...
When we think of those people or beings that have managed to burrow their way into our hearts they naturally invigorate our hearts will. This can make us be more steady, focused and ambitious. What a gift it is to have these powerful sources in our lives. If we used this technique in our regular practice we realize that its the essence of gratitude for the love we have received that really helps us to make things happen and manifest our days.
I imagine the beautiful faces of you all and from this I feel more empowered and greater than ever because I just love to serve you!
Commitment to being yourself...
But to truly commit to something we must know that its a double edged sword. For it would be a disservice to ourselves if we lost ourselves in the process. There fore no matter what we commit to we must first and foremost commit to being ourselves again and again. What we gain from this extra effort is an unveiling and understanding of who we are. We actually can become more of ourselves through the obstacles of binding and committing. Like any friction it tends to have a polishing effect and in this case the commitment can polish ourselves to be brighter versions.
One more thing I realized about this dynamic that strikes me as interesting is that to be ourselves should mean that its No effort at all. We shouldn't have to try to be ourselves. This makes it difficult because we are trying to be ourselves even as we bind and commit to other things. So the sharpness strikes back at us asking us to not only remain ourselves but to be steady, content and non-wavered through the process without any effort. This reminds me of a Yoda quote... "There is no TRY there is only Do or Do not."
So imagine greater through commitment and cultivating yourself but ultimately its just another way to cultivate the "being-ness" of yourself and do just enough to achieve it.
Saturday, January 14, 2012

Recently someone close to me expressed worry that I was not proud of them... First of all, who would ever put me on that pedestal to have that sort of opinion may not have the right person for the job and Secondly, I have learned that to make anyone proud of you one has to first be proud of themselves.
1 feeling deep pleasure or satisfaction as a result of one's own achievements, qualities, or possessions or those of someone with whom one is closely associated : a proud grandma of three boys | she got nine As and he was so proud of her.
• (of an event, achievement, etc.) causing someone to feel this way : we have a proud history of innovation.
• having or showing a consciousness of one's own dignity : I was too proud to go home.
• having or showing a high or excessively high opinion of oneself or one's importance : a proud, arrogant man.
• imposing; splendid : bulrushes emerge tall and proud from the middle of the pond.
2 [ predic. ] Brit. slightly projecting from a surface : when the brake is engaged, the lever does not stand proud of the horizontal.
I love the relationship between dignity and proud-fulness in the definition. I think it takes dignity to even ask someone if they are proud of you. It shows you care to hear feedback and what a version of the universe thinks and feels about you. You must have a strong even center to even ask this question and to make yourself this vulnerable.
Pride when out of balance can move us towards detachment and not remember how much we are a part of everything that made us who we are but the shear will to ask if someone else is proud of you is a healthy dose of pride in my opinion.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Happy "Goodness" Friday!

A practice for someone special...

Wednesday, April 20, 2011
I am the most important...

Friday, January 14, 2011
Bad Dreams.... Good Day?

Good 'ole Google reminds me that bad dreams are a simple reminder that the universe and our subconscious are having to work over time while we are asleep because we hadn't been proactive in our life. In some way I hadn't be showing up enough in some aspect of my life.... so there was my solution... wake up and show up more today!
Leaders whether they are in public view or leaders by example are the ones who come up with solutions... they are not the ones who complain or tip toe by their problems. They face them with grace, honesty and dignity so that everything is resolved, moved through, faced and transformed when necessary.
So be the leaders we are meant to be... strong and open to discover the solutions!